Since 2021…
Men from all across the U.S. and beyond have made their way to Indianapolis for our Fall Men’s retreat.
The 2025 Men’s Retreat will be October 3rd-4th in Indianapolis.

Building Better Men Together
Men young and old from all cross the United States and beyond have made their way to Indianapolis in the Fall for our Annual Men’s Retreat. Many of these men are podcast listeners, a number are in Tribe or the Herd and some are invited by someone else to gather with other men of God for a weekend of worship and connecting. Some men know others before they arrive while others do not. When we gather we do so as men of God all moving the same direction together.
We would never want to waste the opprunity the Lord gives us to grow with so many men of God in one space. We use our time together to worship, pray over one another, connect and more. Each man leaves the weekend knowing he is part of something much bigger than himself. Spiritual growth is two-fold: men grow in their personal worship time daily but we can also expedite that growth by getting around other high caliber men of God who sharpen us.