“Vigorously Equipping Men To Pursue Biblical Manliness”
Follow Jesus
If we do not get this right we do not get anything else right. To be a man of God we must first understand that the call is to follow Jesus. As we follow Christ we become less like ourselves and more like Him.
Work & Keep
Each man has been given areas of influence where he is called to cultivate his relationships, home and workplace. When we yield the plow and the sword in the appropriate way those around us who depend on us the most benefit as well.
Invest In Others
When we invest in others we are reminded that this life is not about us. The key is to understand which relationships should receive the lion share of our time and attention. Our first area of focus is our home. When we Follow Jesus, Work & Keep what been entrusted to us and invest in others to do the same we are living as men of God.